Hiya Folks!
I am so overwhelmed at the response to my entry for the Challenge # 249! Wow its so good to be back and what a welcome!!!!
Thank you all so much for the awesome comments :) I am so touched :)
Last weeks Challenge was about using a tile and go the traditional Zentangle way. I didnt participate as
1. I dont have tiles. Never used them. While living in the Middle East I never could source them. So opted for regular paper or a Moleskin.
2. Ive so grown used to not having tiles that I felt an entry on regular paper is not really doing the Challenge right so I just let it be.
This week is once again Moebius Syndrome Week.... Its so wonderful to see lil Artoo all so big now! What a handsome lil man he is growing into....:)
Without further ado my entry for the week.....:)
Ive put the symbol in a Mandala! Oh Yeah! Im sure by now you would've guessed that im currently suffering from a Mandala Mania... Im sorry there seems to be no cure for it at this point in time! Im told once I get this fever outta me (after drawing probably a zillion of them) I may be cured! :)
Ive put the letter A in the centre for our lil Artoo! Hope you guys like it...:)
And thank you all once again for so much love!
Weekly Challenge # 251 |
Love you all !
Have a great week ahead....:)