Hey All Ye Lovely People...:)
Well its been a roller coaster of a few weeks and I was soooooo down....well I thought it would take me eons to get back on my feet. But the Lioness that I am (Yep a LEO and Proud..!) I decided enough was enough and took up my pencil and sketch book.....
So here goes.....
This one is of a couple....I saw a painting on Google and somehow Abstracts seem to lure me. Probably cuz Im not that good at proper figures...:)
I regularly look up youtube videos on Abstract Art and Contemporary Paintings. On one such journey I discoverd an Indian Contemporary Artist - Jagannatha Paul. I loved his pieces.....There was something ethreal about his Tree of Life series. And so have tried to do something similar in Pencil. Not a very good look alike. His was done in acrylics.....
Ok this is supposed to be an abstract of Meera Bai which I did a while ago...And when I showed it to my friend, guide, critique, all rolled into one.....well he said...."Medusa Like"...:P Well yep she does have that Medusa like effect cuz of the hair...:-D
I am forever inspired to do better at my art when I see other artists and their work and always learn something from everyone. Last month I was visiting India when I saw this piece of art by a local artist. More than the piece I was more intrigued by the technique used. I tried to reproduce that technique. I know its not a good replica but have tried. Unfortunately all I remember is the artists first name - Unni.
Whatever thats posted here is done by me. But all of them have been an inspiration from other artists. Being a learner I always see what others do and try to learn from them.