Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Helping Hand - For Newbies & Of Tributes and Inspirations

Hello My Fellow Tanglers and a Warm Welcome to the Newbies...:)
I have noticed that there are many art enthusiasts (including a friend) who are intrigued by Zentangle and would like to know more about it and how to learn to draw Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIA). So here is a little something on Zentangle. I hope it is helpful for all those who are interested in learning this ZEN Art form!....:)
Zentangle - a form of art I had no idea about until I took up classes in art with Patric Rozario. He introduced me to doodles and tangles. He ofcourse never mentioned ZENTANGLE per se but encouraged me to find out all on my own and here I am today, almost a year from where I began, tangling away!!!....
My very first inspiration was ofcourse my teacher, Patric Rozario, who re-introduced me into this wonderful world of art. I used to paint and sketch as a child and teen but I let it slide when life and other priorities took precedence. Something which I regret. But as they say better late than never!
When I learned more about doodling I began browsing through the world wide web for more on it and one fine day I chanced upon ZENTANGLE. Many of us wouldnt be doing what we love best today if it were not for Rick and Maria who popularised this form of art! It has made many of us who were afraid to pick up a pencil and draw a straight line let alone a piece of art!
As I learned more and more patterns, all thanks to Linda Farmer and her wonderful site Tangle Patterns, I began looking at works of other artists like me and also some CZT's. I havent been able to view the works of ALL the CZT's but the few that Ive seen thus far have all been inspirations in one form or the other. Today, I would like to thank all of them, and yes everyone of you whose works Ive seen, (Pardon me for not remembering all your names) but ALL of you, who post in the Challenegs have ALL inspired me in one way or the other.
I would like to make a special mention of these few artists in particular as I visit their web page almost on a daily basis. Even on those days when Im so Un-ZEN like I peek in to see what they have created and it makes my heart flutter.
Now that Im done with the AWE factor, a little about how to do this......
The creators say it best "Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Almost anyone can use it to create beautiful images. It increases focus and creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of personal well being. The Zentangle method is enjoyed all over this world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages. We believe that life is an art form and that our Zentangle method is an elegant metaphor for deliberate artistry in life. We invite you to explore our web site and learn more about this wonderful and uplifting method and artform."...
Who is a CZT? (EDITED)
Certified Zentangle Teachers are those artists who have completed a COURSE on ZENTANGLE conducted by Maria & Rick ONLY (EDITED). You can find a list of CZT's on the blog.
Patterns - Where to find them & Links
There are hundreds of patterns and I wouldnt worry about learning them ALL right now, if I were you. I am going to write about only a FEW Artists & their work from whose pages you can learn more about Zentangle.
1.  Linda Farmer - You can find loads of patterns and step outs to patterns on www.tanglepatterns.com. Linda has been so gracious to host this site for us Zentangle Enthusiasts. You can subscribe to her page and get a notification in your inbox each time she posts something on her site. She also has a list of Useful Books, Terms we use, and loads of useful information. In fact her site should be your first stop. And please do support her page. She also has an E-Book that is very helpful.
2. Sandra Strait - lifeimitatesdoodles.blogspot.com/ - She posts links to New Patterns and the like on her Blog. Very helpful Blog if you are into many other forms of art too.
3. Genevieve Crabbe - This lady has magic in her Manadals or Zendalas as we call them. www.amarylliscreations.com/zentangleharmony. She posts a Weekly Roundup that you can subscribe to where you will once again be informed of Challenges, New Patterns etc. She also has these wonderful Mandala Templates! Check her site for more information.
4. Suzanne McNeill - blog.suzannemcneill.com - She isnt just a tangler, she is also a Quilter and dabbles in many forms of art plus brings us new patterns regularly. She is the brain behind Design Originals. This lady wears many hats and all with aplomb! Visit her blog for more...
There are many many books on Zentangle. The sites / blogs Ive mentioned above ALL have links to books on Zentangle and their authors.
As an artist we all need practice. And these Challenges not just helps us in this but also brings out the creativity in us.
The Diva's Challenge - hosted by our very own DIVA Laura Harms..:) This is one lady who manages to be a Super Multi Tasker. Her Challenges are posted every MONDAY.
Zendala Dare - hosted by our Brightest Owl - Erin Olsen. She brings us the Dare every SATURDAY.
Adventures in Monotangles - hosted by one of the few MEN Ive seen in our circle - Roy Stauffer. He posts the Adventure every THURSDAY
Celtic Challenge - hosted by Judy West - Ive never participated in her Challenges thus far. She posts a Challenge on FRIDAY ONCE A FORTNIGHT.
Kickstarters - hosted by Sandy Hunter. She hasnt posted one in a while.
There are many more out there but I only know of these few that I have posted here. Im sure these will keep your hands FULL...:)
Now last but not the least - those artists / tanglers / who inspire me everyday and all those days when I lose my ZEN. These ladies / gentleman have helped me back on my tangling feet...:) I am again posting only a few artists here. Thats doesnt mean others dont inspire me. All of them DO. And ALL of you out there are such wonderful people and your art and art in any form ALWAYS inspires me...:)
1. Maria ofcourse! Her work is flawless.
2. Helen Williams - this lady's minimalistic approach is something I LOVE.
3. Shelly Beauch - her work (large pieces) are so awesome they leave me open mouthed each time.
4. Sandy Steen Bartholomew - She has written many books that are so helpful for us.
5. Lee Ann - Her work looks stunning! Some of them have such an ethreal look about them!
6. Sandy Hunter - This lady has such a wonderful way of organising her patterns and many of us follow her method of organising. She is also the lady who helped me make my own pattern!!
7. Margret Bremner - her COPADA was one of the very first tangles I used! And Im in love with it...:)
8. Dilip Patel - One of the very first blogs I read where his Z-Ganesha's lured me.
9. Carol Ohl - A CZT who is the brain behind the Tangle A Day Calendar. A MUST Have!
There are many many others who are as inspiring and wonderful artists. You will soon see all their work when you participate in the challenges above. In fact if you visit those pages you can see their work.
I hope I have been of some help to all of you. All you need is a pen, paper, and FEEL the ZEN and let it flow through your pen....:)
Once again, apologies to those whom I havent mentioned here by name. But please remember each one of you have helped me in so many many ways and I am so thankful to each and everyone of you......:)


  1. Thank you, Tinks! What a wonderful resource you've pulled together for us newbies. I really appreciate it.
    -Lori Kingston

  2. CORRECTION: CZTs cannot certify other CZTs as you state here:
    "Who is a CZT?

    Certified Zentangle Teachers are those artists who have completed a COURSE on ZENTANGLE conducted by Maria & Rick or by any CZT. You can find a list of CZT's on the blog."

    1. Hello Michelle. I have EDITED the information above. And thank you for the clarification.

